Happy Holidays from the Beaty Biodiversity Museum!
As we enter this winter holiday season, it is a good time to reflect on the role of biodiversity in our lives, and specifically the role that biodiversity plays in the holiday traditions we all cherish
Pecha Kucha
Last week I gave a talk at PechaKucha Night Vancouver, a public mini-symposium of fast-paced talks which happens every few months. The talks are usually about art, design, and social projects, in which case why was I, a biologist, talking there? Well, watch to find out.
The Story of String
String, rope, twine, cordage – what’s the big deal? String is one of the most important, yet under-acknowledged, of all of human technology – and for the vast majority of our history, it was made from plant and animal fibres.
Botanical Amble
The rain held off long enough for us to enjoy a fascinating native plant walk around campus. We discovered that many native plants can be found in our own backyard as we shared our morning learning about taxonomy, ecology and the traditional uses of a number of local species
River City – Brisbane, Australia
I am spending a good part of my sabbatical year in Brisbane, Australia – capital of Queensland. One thing that I am doing here is fleshing out the outline of a book on notable rivers of North America (a kinda’ mix of biology, geography, and societal aspects of our relationships with rivers)
Beaty Hosts Award-Winning B.C. Children’s Authors and Illustrators
The Beaty Biodiversity Museum and the Children’s Writers and Illustrators of BC Society joined forces to create an amazing exhibit of kid’s books on nature.
The Elwha River Flows Free Again!
In an age when the environmental news is often grim (e.g., Mount Polley mine tailings spill) we need to celebrate positive developments – the removal of two dams on the Elwha River in Washington
Highlights of the 5th Schofield Bryophyte and Lichen Foray
The 5th Annual Wilf Schofield Bryophyte and Lichen Foray was held Sept 11 to 14, 2014 near Creston, BC. The Foray undertook an inventory of selected areas of the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Darkwoods Preserve, a 55,000-hectare property in the central Kootenays.
BC has a new Global Geopark!
British Columbians recently gained yet another reason to be deeply proud of our magnificent and biodiversity-rich province: it is now home to the second United Nations-designated Global Geopark in North America!
Biodiversity Anyone?
We recently came across a blog post by Bree Galbraith (@breegalbraith) on Peaks and Harbours, her “not just for moms” blog that showcases everything our city has to offer the younger crowd. The post talks about her experience visiting the Museum with her two young sons and features beautiful photos that her son took. Bree kindly adapted the post to be shown here.