Birthday parties are available for ages 5+
We want to learn how to pronounce everyone's names correctly! If you'd like, share a phonetic way to say your name so we can get it right - and you can always let us know in person, too. For example, for Ada, do you prefer - ay-dah, or ah-dah?
Including birthday child if applicable.
Including birthday adult if applicable.
Please indicate the number of pre-ordered gift bags you would like to purchase for an additional cost of $10 plus applicable taxes per bag.
Please indicate the number of pre-ordered BBM t-shirts you would like to purchase for an additional cost of $25 plus tax (adults & child size). Note t-shirt sizing will be based upon size selected for the birthday child, and you will be able to switch t-shirt sizes upon arrival, depending on availability.
Members please provide your Membership number (e.g. #0123). Current members receive a 10% discount.
Provide any additional details that site staff should be aware of.