Happy Birthday, Charles Darwin!
February 12 is Darwin Day. To celebrate his birthday and the evolution of life, the Beaty Biodiversity Museum has hosted its annual Bake a Cake for Darwin Contest, as part of FestEVOLVE 2013.
February 12 is Darwin Day. To celebrate his birthday and the evolution of life, the Beaty Biodiversity Museum has hosted its annual Bake a Cake for Darwin Contest, as part of FestEVOLVE 2013.
Opening tomorrow, our newest temporary exhibition INVOKING VENUS, Feathers and Fashion will feature photo-based images by Catherine Stewart and accessories from the clothing collections of Claus Jahnke and Ivan Sayers.
If you haven’t visited the Beaty Biodiversity Museum lately, there is no better time than now to see INVOKING VENUS, Feathers and Fashion, an exhibition of photo-based images by Catherine Stewart and accessories from the clothing collections of Claus Jahnke and Ivan Sayers. Using bird specimens from the Beaty Biodiversity Museum, Vancouver-based Stewart explores the role colour, patterning and adornment play in courtship and attraction. Interested in more in depth insights? Join the artists as we explore various fascinating topics related to this exhibition.
To launch INVOKING VENUS, Feathers and Fashion, a special exhibition of photo-based artwork by Catherine Stewart and accessories from the clothing collections of Claus Jahnke and Ivan Sayers, the Beaty Biodiversity Museum held an extravagant fashion show on February 7, 2013.
INVOKING VENUS, Feathers and Fashion opened at the beginning of February, and we would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our community partners sponsors that have helped make this exhibition possible.
Hey! Mom and Dad! Are you thinking about where to bring your children during spring break in the next two weeks? How about a trip to the Beaty Biodiversity Museum at UBC? We will be hosting extra programming with our weekend schedule, March 16-31 (except for Mondays, March 18 & 25).
Science Rendezvous is an annual one-day interactive festival celebrating Canadian science and engineering from coast to coast at nearly 40 of Canada’s top universities and research institutions. At UBC, come and explore real science with a day of exploration, hands-on activities, and exclusive tours of UBC research facilities.
Last summer, UBC student Mele Avery helped Ildako Szabo, Assistant Curator of Birds at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum, on organizing specimens at the Museum. She shares with us her experience working on this project.
If you are a bird lover and want to get the inside scoop on avian collection and specimen preparation, check out the latest videos on our YouTube channel. If you are a bird lover and want to get the inside scoop on avian collection and specimen preparation, check out the latest videos on our YouTube channel. Held as part of the Fifth North American Ornithological Conference (NAOC-V) in August 2012, the workshop features an international roster of speakers, including Ildiko Szabo, Assistant Curator of Birds of the Beaty Biodiversity Museum, on the changing uses of avian collections and demonstrating techniques to prepare and preserve specimens. Note: The videos detail the preserving of bird specimens and may be considered graphic to some. Viewer discretion is advised.
Opening today on the Gallery Wall at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum is our newest exhibition, [a]drift, a stunning visual art series by print-maker Edith Krause.