Please enter the code “Colour” to receive $2 parking on Thursday, September 21 for the Life In Colour exhibition opening. This code is valid only in the Health Sciences Parkade on Thursday, September 21.
Coupon Code Instructions
- Hit CANCEL a few times to wake the pay station up
- Enters their license plate
- The pay station displays all the rate options including “Coupon – All Day” option
- The customer selects “Coupon – All Day” and it is prompted for a coupon code
- The customer enters the coupon code “Colour” and then “OK”
- The pay station will then ask for $2
- After paying the meter (either coins or credit cards), the transaction will then be finished
- Select YES or No for a paper receipt (receipt does not need to be on the dash)
- The vehicle plate is now valid to park until midnight
Contact if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you there!