Julian Heavyside

Julian Heavyside

  Researchers Revealed is an exciting new series profiling the research performed in UBC’s Biodiversity Research Centre. The series looks at new ways in which researchers harness technology to study the natural world in ways that were not possible before. Julian Heavyside describes his research on salmon in BC and the other species of fish […]

Finola Fogarty

Finola Fogarty

Finola Fogarty describes her research on genetic diversity within the Orange-crowned warblers.

Rethinking Wings

Rethinking Wings

Rethinking Wings at UBC

Part 14 Labelling: The most important step

Part 14 Labelling: The most important step

Part 13d Determining Cause of Death: Collisions with man-made structures

Part 13d Determining Cause of Death: Collisions with man-made structures

Part 13c Determining Cause of Death: Trauma wound analysis

Part 13c Determining Cause of Death: Trauma wound analysis  

Part 13b Determining Cause of Death: Diseases

Part 13b Determining Cause of Death: Diseases  

Part 13a Determining Cause of Death: Poisons

Part 13a Determining Cause of Death: Poisons

Part 11 Flat skins, shmoos, and other types of study skins

Part 11 Flat skins, shmoos, and other types of study skins

Part 10 Recording fat levels & Cleaning fatty and stinky skins

Part 10 Recording fat levels & Cleaning fatty and stinky skins