
Marrella; Marella splendens; a marine invertebrate fossil impression in grey slate

Nature Club: Fossils

Fossils are preserved remains or traces of plants and animals and can tell us about ancient life on earth. Interested in seeing fossils at the museum?

Tiger lily; Lilium columbianum; four dried pressed blossoms on a stem

Nature Club: Vascular Plants

Learn about new and familiar plants while we explore different groups and their features.

Nature Club: Fish

Nature Club: Fish

Fish have a backbone, live in water and breathe using special organs called gills. Fishing to find out more? Join us!

Nature Club: Mammals

Nature Club: Mammals

Mammals are a group of warm-blooded animals with backbones and include musk ox, humans and blue whales! Find out more about the characteristics that link us together.

NatureClub: Birds, Reptiles, and Amphibians

NatureClub: Birds, Reptiles, and Amphibians

This month we are learning more about some of our favourite egg-laying tetrapods, birds, reptiles, and amphibians!

Nature Club: Fungi and Lichen

Nature Club: Fungi and Lichen

Join us as we take a closer look at some fabulous fungi from the museum collection and learn a bit more about mushrooms, from the parts we see to the vast networks beneath our feet.

Nature Club: Marine Invertebrates

Nature Club: Marine Invertebrates

Join us and learn more about this amazing group of marine creatures that live without backbones.

Nature Club: Bryophytes and Algae

Nature Club: Bryophytes and Algae

Join us to learn about these beautiful organisms commonly found in the Lower Mainland!

Nature Club: Entomology

Nature Club: Entomology

This month we are taking a closer look at some interesting insects in the museum collection and learning more about the fascinating features of these organisms.

Nocturnal: Preventing Extinctions – An evening with Island Conservation

Nocturnal: Preventing Extinctions – An evening with Island Conservation

The Beaty’s Nocturnal series invites you to learn how sixty-five islands have been saved, how more can—and will—be saved, and how you can be involved.