Beaty@Home Live: Tree Research

Join Jen Baron, Master student with the Tree-Ring Lab in the Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences in a discussion of fire ecology, tree rings, and/or landscape change. Jen is part of LEEF, (Lessons Ecology and Evolution FUNdamentals) a program through Let’s Talk Science UBC that provides hands-on learning in ecology and evolution to local Kindergarten to Grade 12 students through experiential classroom learning activities developed by trained UBC graduate students and postdocs.

This informal chat with a researcher is recommended for ages 9 and up with the support of an adult. You’ll have opportunity to ask questions if you join us live!

All of the Beaty@Home sessions are free to join from anywhere around the world. All you need is an internet connection. You can join us on Zoom or on Facebook live! You can also call in over telephone, simply register on the Zoom link for the list of numbers.

If you would like to contribute to the museum, we appreciate any donations, purchasing a membership, planning to visit in person when safe to do so, and sharing information about the museum with friends and family. Thank you for your support of the Beaty Biodiversity Museum!