Spring Break: Birds on Campus

An Anna's hummingbird sits on a branch in the rain.

Anna’s hummingbird, Calypte anna. Photo by Sunny Zhang

Have you ever seen or heard birds but weren’t sure what they are and who’s singing those little tunes? Do you want to learn more about the birds and other critters around you? Let’s explore the green space around the museum and meet some new friends. The hummingbirds and sparrows are excited to meet all of you! This activity takes place outside – dress accordingly. Bring binoculars if you have a pair!

View the full schedule of Spring Break activities at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum.

All activities are open to all ages and are included with membership or admission on a drop-in basis unless otherwise noted. Children under the age of 13 must have adult supervision in the museum at all times. Please call us for more information at 604-827-4955; press 0 to connect to staff.