The 4th Annual Schofield Bryophyte & Lichen Foray was held September 26-29, 2013, in Wells Gray Provincial Park, as one of the many events of the Park‘s heritage year celebration.
Curtis Björk hosted this year’s foray. He had researched into the sites and provided the participants with a fairly comprehensive list of lichens and bryophytes. Once the results are in, the bryophyte list will be longer. All present were very impressed with the region and extremely pleased with the selected sites. Thank you Curtis!
Day 1: Foray participants and the public were welcomed at the Clearwater Valley Community Hall. Curtis Björk presented the introduction to Wells Gray and its bryophyte and lichen flora:

Photo taken by Xinxin Xue
Day 2: The group covered three different habitats. The first was at the South end of Clearwater Lake, with old growth cedar-hemlock forest lining its cobbly shores:

Photo taken by Xinxin Xue
Day 2: The second site was down the park road to Shadow Lake bog. The last site was at the mineral spring:

Photo taken by Xinxin Xue

Photo taken by Xinxin Xue
Day 3: The group visited Moul Falls in the Grouse Creek Canyon. This was a rich site, particularly for bryophytes. On arrival, the participants went straight to work, many of them behind the falls:

Photo taken by Curtis Björk

Photo taken by Xinxin Xue