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UBC Researcher Lindsay Aylesworth Takes Part in #SciFund Challenge

UBC Researcher Lindsay Aylesworth Takes Part in #SciFund Challenge

UBC researchers have signed on in the #SciFund challenge to crowdfund—raise funds through the internet—and to build public interaction and outreach for their research. One of the participants is Lindsay Aylesworth, a PhD student with Project Seahorse at UBC. Her research interests lie in community and population ecology, specifically to address seahorse conservation, threats and […]

Spiders in Borneo – Jumping Spiders in the Forest

Spiders in Borneo – Jumping Spiders in the Forest

We know that the familiar big animals like lions or polar bears specialize on large terrains of habitat like African savannahs or Arctic ice, but perhaps most people don’t realize that smaller creatures specialize at a much smaller scale. To a small spider, a tree trunk is a vast expanse of habitat. There are species […]

Anomaly 2012

Anomaly 2012

It was a quiet Saturday morning, when suddenly, hundreds of eager computer graphic artists burst in and transformed the Beaty Biodiversity Museum into a portal of learning, sharing, inspiration, networking, community, and socializing. On Saturday, April 28, Anomaly 2012, organized by CG Movement, filled the Museum to the brim with creative energy, excited guests, established […]