Revealed! New Display Puts Spotlight on BRC Researchers

The Beaty Biodiversity Museum is pleased to announce a new display, Researchers Revealed. Researchers Revealed features descriptions of six Biodiversity Research Centre (BRC) graduate students and their research projects. The new display panels describe work on migratory birds, tiny plant microfossils and past climates, life in the intertidal zone for small fishes, and other interesting research projects.


If you’d like to see some of the great projects being conducted in the BRC and check out what a career in biodiversity research might be like, come and see Researchers Revealed on your next museum visit. New and exciting panels about BRC researchers will be added over time and displayed in the museum on the gallery wall in-between temporary exhibits. This instalment of Researchers Revealed will be on display until September 22nd when the change over to the museum’s next temporary exhibit begins. Invisible Portraits, revealing the secret world of microbes, will begin on September 27th 2013.